Not able to use Azure Playground

Hi All, I am trying to launch Azure Playground for practice but whenever I click on Launch Now it always shows me pricing. It’s not getting launched. Can you let me know how to resolve it??

Can you confirm you have a pro subscription? Try opening the site in an InPrivate/InCognito window and login there.

Not I haven’t have pro subscription. Using free account. Let me try InCognito mode

Still Same issue. Still showing pricing details. Seems can’t use playground with free account

You have to have a Pro Subscription to access the Playgrounds. There are some free courses:
Free Courses | KodeKloud
And some free labs:
Free Labs | KodeKloud

All of the Azure services in the playground still aren’t working. It prompts me for “free trial” even though I have Pro sub.

@no_onions1 If you have an active subscription and it is not working as expected, please email [email protected] for assistance. They deal with subscription issues.