Not able to register Runner in GitLab playground

When I try to register the Runner, I see this warning on the page -

This registration process is only supported in GitLab Runner 15.10 or later.

When I click on Submit button , I get this error. Can anyone help me on this.

Can you provide the steps you have taken and screenshots of the issue so we can follow along?

Apologies for late reply. Here are the steps

  1. Launch CI/CD Playgrounds - “GitLab”
  2. Click on Start Lab.
  3. Click on GitLab UI.
  4. Sign in with user name and password.
  5. Click on Create Project.
  6. Click on Create Blank Project.
  7. Enter the required details.
  8. Click on Create Project.
  9. Go to Settings of Project and select CI/CD.
  10. Expand Runners.
    11.Click on New Project Runner.
  11. Select Platform Windows.
  12. Enter Runner Description - NetRunner2.
  13. Select the configuration - Run untagged jobs
  14. Click on submit.
  15. Error is displayed in browser and it is provided in first post.
  16. Click on back button and check the expand the runners as shown below -

I think you misunderstand, you need to have a runner setup before you add it to GitLab.