Not able to create Node Groups in EKS

I am facing an issue of not able to create Node groups in eks cluster using terraform. Getting error of not authorised to perform this task. And dont have access to add permission of CreateNodeGroup also. Please tell me how can I fix this. If I cant then I will cacel my subscription

Have you seen the tutorial in the CKA repo? It’s brand new – it was done just last week – and it covers setting up EKS pretty clearly.

okk , got it. Does not it support managed node groups @rob_kodekloud ?

The playgrounds don’t support the managed node groups, but you can create non-managed node groups w/o a problem, as you will see in the tutorial.

got it! can I add IAM policies directly in aws console @rob_kodekloud ?

What can be done with IAM is very restricted. If you follow the EKS tutorial, you must use exactly the IAM resources as are stated in the guide. Others won’t work.