No such file or directory

Hey I am trying to change the directory using the command cd ~/content. In the labs it has been told that the directory already exists. But when I actually try accesing it , “No such file or directory” is the msg i get. Can someone please help me in this.

Hi @VaibhavJagtap10

It would help if you could share the lab URL for review.


I had closed the lab . Just a min ill restart it again and send it.

Same issue with the access point lab in S3.

Hi @VaibhavJagtap10

You are supposed to be using the lab terminal to find these files and for running the showcreds command, not the CloudShell terminal.

  1. This control opens the lab terminal
  2. This URL is the lab URL, not the URL of the AWS console.

Oh okay got it ! Thank you Alistair