NFS troubleshooting

i install the nfs server but it is installed before
i saw the /etc/export file in storage server and make appropriate changes there
then come on app server to mount data is any thing i more have to do?
i try showmount -e but got answer that RPC:program not register
and got the error there too what else to do

kindly reply

Hi @ghori83

After making changes in exports you need to make sure nfs service is running, after that you should go with mount commands.

Hi @Inderpreet
What are the changes expected with /ect/exports file on storage server?
running below command on app1, I get an error message.

Hi @swaroopcs88

Please take help from How to Install NFS Server and Client on RHEL Distributions to identify what changes need to be done in exports file. Please read the details carefully that are mentioned in the question.

I am following the same steps as mentioned in the article.
sudo mount -t nfs /var/www/html/
I am getting access denied while trying to mount.
let me know where I am going wrong.

Hello Swaroopcs88

please check the user account tony/banner have sudo access? check the account has the right permission.

Hi Team,

I tired 4 times to complete the NFS Troubleshooting task at end of session it saying internet connectivity issue on every attempt, meanwhile i was check the connectivity, it was stable…
Seriously I don’t why I’m getting this error…
Please find the error screenshot…


We are looking into this issue from our end, thanks for your patience.

Thanks @Inderpreet
Now the task has been completed successfully…

@Surendar can you please help me with steps or doucment. I am new to this nfs part

Thansk in advance

I did the trouble shooting, nfs server was down, started the nfs server up first, then fixed the config issues in exports, checked the mount point on the client all looks good, but still got it failed:

vi /etc/exports

/nfsdata (rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
/nfsdata (rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
/nfsdata (rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)

on the app server checked:
showmount -e
Export list for
/nfsdata (everyone)

Can you please check why this has failed?

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there should be two option failer

you dont you restart nfs service on server after all changing
did you install nfs on all app server and restart nfs in end?

@nashwan After troubleshooting on NFS server did you mount the share on all app servers ? Which command you used to do so and how you verified the same ?

I mounted using the following commands:
sudo mount -t nfs /var/www/html

To verify the mount, type the below command :
mount | grep nfs

Provided below is the link of the article which may help you to setup NFS :
How to install and configure NFS Server and NFS Client

systemctl start nfs-server
vi /etc/exports

rpm -qa | grep nfs-utils (to validate nfs-utils is installed)
showmount -e ststor01 (to check the export permissions for the NFS file system )
mount -t nfs ststor01:/opt /var/www/html (mount the remote folder to your local)
df -kh (validate the mount is on the list)

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Thank you, It works.

I Don´t know anything about filesystem and this was useful!

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replying on other thread due to limit.

i tried exportfs -a as outlined below

succeed to reflect the new entries but unable to get rid of old entry

looks like restart mandatory to fix this

Restart not mandatory. Infact its not allowed. You will comeup with message

" the machine cannot be rebooted. you can finish the task once you are done with the steps"

Task succeeded with the below steps.

storage server @ root

systemctl enable nfs-server
systemctl enable rpcbind

chkconfig rpcbind on
chkconfig nfs-server on

systemctl start nfs-server
systemctl start rpcbind

vi /etc/exports


exportfs -a

showmount -e ststor01

[it should reflect entries in /etc/exports]
[it may still show old entries, i ignored and proceed further]

on App servers @ root

systemctl enable nfs-server
systemctl enable rpcbind

chkconfig rpcbind on
chkconfig nfs-server on

systemctl start nfs-server
systemctl start rpcbind

mount -t nfs ststor01:/webdata /var/www/html

df -h

mount | grep nfs


Here is the solution: NFS Troubleshooting Kodekloud

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