Need help on finding the syntax to complete

CKA exam “CKA Certification Course – Certified Kubernetes Administrator | KodeKloud
can you please help me easily find a way to update the following syntax?
I did a search in Kubernetes Documentation | Kubernetes but did not find a customized line.

kubectl -n admin2406 get deployment -o,CONTAINER_IMAGE:.spec.template.spec.containers[].image,READY_REPLICAS:.status.readyReplicas,NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace > /opt/admin2406_data

Hi @hrshbp ,
No easy find. Just do practice. You won’t get the same example in the official exam.
You can get syntax overview from this link - kubectl Cheat Sheet | Kubernetes


I did search in the kubectl cheat but not getting almost similar syntax to get this.

But I can see on the same page.