Need Examples of instructions in docker file

In docker file we are using instructions to build a docker image , need more examples on different instructions in a docker file

All possible instructions can be found in the documentation

Agree, the lack of examples of syntax makes the learning process take way longer. I spend more time googling and searching than I do labbing. I think they should provide the walkthroughs like they do in the Kubernetes course.

Thank you for your reply ,
Normally we choose paid content services to gain more knowledge on technologies , what ever content they are providing is good but new person who wants to learn docker , kubernetes he cannot understand high leval content

@Alistair he simply refers to the docker document from docker site ,

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You can build most containers with the following instructions which you should make yourself familiar with

  • FROM - selects a base image
  • COPY - copies files from your workstation into the container
  • RUN - Linux commands inside the container
  • EXPOSE - Specify a port your application needs to listen on.
  • ENTRYPOINT - Specify a command to run when the container is launched

You may additionally find yourself needing to use

  • ENV - Permanently set an environment variable in the container
  • ARG - Declare an argument value that will be passed in with docker build --build-arg ...

There are quite a few others, but these are mostly for advanced use cases.