I need access to create ec2 instance via terraform and so i need to create a user and and give administrator access policy and work on it in the playground.
Request you to provide acces .
I need access to create ec2 instance via terraform and so i need to create a user and and give administrator access policy and work on it in the playground.
Request you to provide acces .
IAM is locked down due to reasons of security. You can only use the lab user, not create others.
I am also getting error please suggest
Access denied to iam:CreateUser
You don’t have permission to iam:CreateUser. To request access, copy the following text and send it to your AWS administrator. Learn more about troubleshooting access denied errors.
User: arn:aws:iam::536697240563:user/kk_labs_user_268091Action: iam:CreateUserOn resource(s): arn:aws:iam::536697240563:user/gitlabContext: no identity-based policy allows the action
Sorry. This is something we cannot support in our playgrounds; you’d need to use your own AWS account to do something like this.