Name of the fallback NTP pool>>>QUESTION 6

Kodekloud Team,

Could you please assist me in clarifying this question? I may have misunderstood it, and any urgent support would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

I tried the solution from the End the Exam page for Q6, and it validates. Have you tried that? Did it validate for you?

Apologies, my question was not clear. Part three of the question asks to ‘save the name of the pool,’ but the KodeKloud solution refers to more than just the name.

Still, all 3 parts of the solution are in the tab, IIRC.

Sure, my concern is with how part 3 of the question was asked. It says to save the name, which, based on my search, should be However, I noticed that the KodeKloud answer also included FailbackNTP.
