Multiple lab bugs

There seem to be multiple bugs within various exercises. I’m not sure why there are so many issues. Could you please advise the support team to test the labs for functionality? It is time-consuming and it eats up the time I need to spend making progress with the course. Your help will be greatly appreciated.”

Below are bugs I have found so far
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There is an issue with all labs that run on CentOS 8 due to retirement of this version by Red Hat.
The lab teams are working on updates.

Hi Sir,
My name is Malik. I am not familiar with this forum/site however, I am having the same issues as you with the labs. When the problems have been fixed, will we be informed on this forum or do you just recommend checking the labs directly periodically?

We try to put that kind of information in the forum. We just learned of this issue yesterday, but since the LFCS course uses CentOS quite a lot, we’re concentrating on getting it back in good order. If you see a lab that has problems right now and you haven’t seen someone else post about it, by all means give us a link to that lab, so we can pass that information back to the lab team and have them get that one fixed as well.

Thank you! I greatly appreciate that brother.

Good Morning @rob_kodekloud and @Alistair_KodeKloud ,
Would KodeKloud be open to evaluating the integration of AlmaLinux OS, given its binary compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux® (RHEL)?

I assume it’s in the running. There are a number of factors:

  1. Are there good vagrant boxes for a given distribution?
  2. Does it support all of our platforms (Linux, Windows, both flavors of Mac).
  3. Does the distribution have good support and a good community.

I don’t think there’s strong opinions which RH flavored distribution we should move to. Our engineers will have the greatest say, I suspect, although community opinion is important too.

@rob_kodekloud and @Alistair_KodeKloud,
I have already purchased my vouchers and set a timeline for myself to take the LFCS administrator lab exam. However, these issues are affecting my ability to practice effectively and meet my goals.

I understand that Kodekloud was supposed to provide us with updated labs, but unfortunately, this has not happened. Moreover, the existing labs are not in the best condition, which further exacerbates the situation.

I kindly request your team to prioritize fixing these issues as soon as possible. It would also be helpful if you could provide a timeline for when we can expect these issues to be resolved. This will enable us to manage our plans regarding certification more effectively.

Thank you for your understanding and prompt attention to this matter.

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