The CKA and CKS courses have an article on ingress annotations, “Ingress - Annotations and rewrite-target”. The article is incomplete because apps’ URLs are incomplete and URL for nginx ingress examples are missing. Therefore, the article is really hard to understand.
I think it’s a result of the learning platform migration. The CKA course on Udemy has the correct content.
For example,
Our watch app displays the video streaming webpage at http://:/
should be
Our watch app displays the video streaming webpage at http://<watch-service>:<port>/
And the following:
Without the rewrite-target option, this is what would happen: http://:/watch –> http://:/watch http://:/wear –> http://:/wear
should be:
Without the rewrite-target option, this is what would happen: http://<ingress-service>:<ingress-port>/watch --> http://<watch-service>:<port>/watch http://<ingress-service>:<ingress-port>/wear --> http://<wear-service>:<port>/wear
I don’t think it relates to the platform migration – the CKS course would not have changed through that – but the CKS version of the article is certainly garbled at those points. I’ll post a ticket for them to fix that page.
Both the CKA and CKS courses are about to get upgrades, due to changes in requirements over the next few month. But yes, it’s been a while on this issue.
Frankly, I’m disappointed with the CKS course. Its quality is not up to par with the CKA course. Content on OPA has been updated, but not the subtitles, nor the labs. I was asked to do a task that was not covered by the updated content, because it covered obsolete content on OPA.
And the mock exams automated verification seems flaky. I was penalized for not finishing a task which, in reality, I had done exactly like the solution.
At least I got a reprieve on the upgraded exam. Changes have been moved to October 10 (they were supposed to have changed on September 12th), and I’m passing the exam on Monday.