Many issue certified kubernetes administrator – mock exam

Hi all,

i facing many problem during certified mock exam se cka.

trying to commect:
sometimes the context are not working.
i dont expect to solve different issue not defined in the question:

  1. es: (the question asks to create a pod in the context3)
    k get pod
    The connection to the server cluster3-controlplane:6443 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

  2. scheduled pod are not working because missing kubelet structure on workernode mkdir /var/lib/kubelet/pods

Normal Scheduled 71s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/color-app-cka13-arch to cluster1-node02
Warning FailedMount 7s (x8 over 71s) kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume “kube-api-access-8z76m” : mkdir /var/lib/kubelet/pods: no such file or directory
Warning Failed 3s (x6 over 71s) kubelet error making pod data directories: mkdir /var/lib/kubelet/pods: no such file or directory

  1. curl are not provided to test the NetworkPolicy even if the questions is saying that:

k exec -ti cyan-white-cka28-trb – curl cyan-svc-cka28-trb.cyan-ns-cka28-trb
error: Internal error occurred: error executing command in container: failed to exec in container: failed to start exec “1eea89f6d583919dadf5f397a9c2735d8acd5d5e725b9949da82be2f10d1b25f”: OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: “curl”: executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

student-node ~ :heavy_multiplication_x: k exec -ti cyan-white-cka28-trb – sh
/home # curl

plus: the entire laps often is slow, next question hangs

so this are the issue i found in 2 hours, ofc its quite hard and frustrating dealing with non-related question problem.
please fix it and check the entire lab asap.


got again this error
Switched to context “cluster4”.

Normal Scheduled 91s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/pink-pod-cka16-trb to cluster4-node01
Warning FailedMount 27s (x8 over 91s) kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume “kube-api-access-xwf7h” : mkdir /var/lib/kubelet/pods: no such file or directory
Warning Failed 14s (x7 over 91s) kubelet error making pod data directories: mkdir /var/lib/kubelet/pods: no such file or directory

k get pod
pink-pod-cka16-trb 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 6m48s

the pod is not even created, the ingress is realted to ingress, not kubelet issue.

Hi @Damiano-Giuliani

Can you please provide us the concerned lab and question


related my second message:

CKA Mock Exam 2


For this question, please set the context to cluster4 by running:

kubectl config use-context cluster4

There is a pod called pink-pod-cka16-trb created in the default namespace in cluster4. This app runs on port tcp/5000 and it is exposed to end-users using an ingress resource called pink-ing-cka16-trb in such a way that it is supposed to be accessible using the command: curl on cluster4-controlplane host.

However, this is not working. Troubleshoot and fix this issue, making any necessary to the objects.

Note: You should be able to ssh into the cluster4-controlplane using ssh cluster4-controlplane command.


Normal Scheduled 91s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/pink-pod-cka16-trb to cluster4-node01
Warning FailedMount 27s (x8 over 91s) kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume “kube-api-access-xwf7h” : mkdir /var/lib/kubelet/pods: no such file or directory
Warning Failed 14s (x7 over 91s) kubelet error making pod data directories: mkdir /var/lib/kubelet/pods: no such file or directory

k get pod
pink-pod-cka16-trb 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 6m48s

the pod is not even created, the ingress is realted to ingress, not kubelet issue.

Hi @Damiano-Giuliani

Thank you for reporting the issue, we are awarded about it, the lab team is working on it, we’ll come back to you ASAP
