Managing Jinja2 Templates Using Ansible (Denis Bochinskii)

Hello. Why my task is failed? It said nothing about the user owner. It was only about changing the rights to index.html (0744).

Can you share the lab URL and question number?

How can i get url lab? Where is it? I get fail becuse - “- /var/www/html/index.html’ file has incorrect user owner on App Server 3” but in task was said nothing about the user owner. It was only about changing the rights to index.html (0744). Or something. I can put my screenshots:

There is my task/main.yml code:

  • name: Add index.html
    src: /home/thor/ansible/role/httpd/templates/index.html.j2
    dest: /var/www/html/index.html
    mode: ‘0744’

There is part about index.html
c. Add a task inside <</home/thor/ansible/role/httpd/tasks/main.yml>> to copy this template on App Server 3 under <</var/www/html/index.html>>.
Also make sure that <</var/www/html/index.html>> file’s permissions are <<0744>>.

Where is about ownership?

I think question number is 65.

the images you sent are not working can you please give me the error you encounter?

meanwhile, try to change the mod for the file to 774 and check if it is working?