Linux challenge 5 pam issues

i edited the main pam configuration file to complete the task of this one , I already added root user to wheel groups but after i edited the pam file and type “su” in terminal , it shows me authentication failure. What am i missing ?

  • Edit the PAM configuration file for the “su” utility so that this utility only accepts the requests from the users that are part of the “wheel” group and the requests from the users should be accepted immediately, without asking for any password.

Hi @minmyataung20

You need to uncomment both lines to pass this task. The second line requires wheel membership.
Then su root should work

worked well sir , one last question here .
Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 17.13.44
How can i add label “myapp container started or stopped” whenever docker starts or stops ? Any replies’d be much appreciated.

The question isn’t asking you to re-label the container.
All it wants is for the script to print (i.e. echo) that message.

This creates a script that will pass the check

cat <<EOF > /home/bob/
#!/usr/bin/env bash

docker stop myapp
echo "myapp container stopped!"

chmod +x /home/bob/

what a dumb me , thanks for the reply sir .