Linux Banner setup task error

I have completed the Linux Banner setup task for app and DB servers .but at the end got failed status.
Am not sure how do you calculate DB server Banner result. I have not used SCP to copy the file instead i did copy file content and created new file on destination and validated the output result.
For me, The task should be completed. Please check the output screenshot

Message : Uh! Oh! Looks like you might have missed something. The details are below. Don’t worry. No pressure! You will get another attempt at this task in the future.

Banner has not been set up on DB server

If you think you did it right and we checked it wrong, please post your comments at

These tasks are starting to become bothersome in their lack of clarity. I’ve been cranking on this for a few days now, and I keep seeing holes in the actual intention of the question. For example, I copied/pasted the banner’s contents from the jump server to each of the required servers. That’s a fine solution but was still marked as failed. Why? Because what the question is REALLY asking you to do is use the actual file itself as in use SCP. It doesn’t say that.

Copying and pasting the contents of the banner on 4 different servers should be a valid solution. They’re likely using a file diff to compare against the nautilus banner file which I bet is why it was seen as wrong. In all, I feel more detail needs to be put into these question descriptions. If they want to see a file copy utility in use to solve the question, they should state that in my opinion.