Linux assesment

Hi, just finished the linux assesment, is there any way to save my score? I have 100% but I don’t see any button or whatsoever to save the result

Could you give me a link to the page the assessment is on? I’m not sure there’s a way to save the score, although if you got 100%, then perhaps it’s for bragging rights? :slight_smile:

hi Rob, the link is Registration

I am a humble devops engineer, just wanted to provide the problem description as comprehensive as possible - on my first attempt I got 70% and was wondering if that was the case, gave 2nd try and still was not able to ‘save’ my score :slight_smile:

The link is a typical exam run via a KodeKloud lab, so there’s no way to directly save the score. You can create a screen shot, but that’s about it.