Learn-By-Doing Kubernetes Network Policies: Final Challenge

This is related to the Final Challenge of the Learn-By-Doing Kubernetes Network Policies where the task indicates that Policy darkarts-magic only allows egress traffic to port 53 (both TCP and UDP) to IPs in CIDR range of is wrong.

Please find the following screenshots showing my configuration:

The yaml file for the darkarts-magic Network Policy

The outcome of hitting the Check-button:

The yaml in the Solution-tab:

Please note that the policyTypes was left out from the yaml in the Solution-tab so I removed it from my yaml but that didn’t make any difference.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Liz (ewiklund)

Hi @ewiklund

Thanks for reporting this.
There seems to be some issue with this lab and its grader. I’ll notify the lab team to look into this.


Thank you Santosh for your help.