# using kubesec v2 api
scan_result=$(curl -sSX POST --data-binary @"k8s_deployment_service.yaml" https://v2.kubesec.io/scan)
scan_message=$(curl -sSX POST --data-binary @"k8s_deployment_service.yaml" https://v2.kubesec.io/scan | jq .[0].message -r )
scan_score=$(curl -sSX POST --data-binary @"k8s_deployment_service.yaml" https://v2.kubesec.io/scan | jq .[0].score)
echo $scan_score
if [[ "${scan_score}" -ge 4 ]]; then
echo "Score is $scan_score"
echo "Kubesec Scan $scan_message"
echo "Score is $scan_score"
echo "Kubernetes template scanning failed because score is less than or equal to $scan_score"
exit 1;
exactly as shown in solution still the task is not completed
skiped this question and tried the next one made changes in jenkins file as mentioned in solution and this task also failed so please check for Q8 also
Base on the statement, the solution provided is not correct the right solution should be :
# using kubesec v2 api
scan_result=$(curl -sSX POST --data-binary @"k8s_deployment_service.yaml" https://v2.kubesec.io/scan)
scan_message=$(curl -sSX POST --data-binary @"k8s_deployment_service.yaml" https://v2.kubesec.io/scan | jq .[0].message -r )
scan_score=$(curl -sSX POST --data-binary @"k8s_deployment_service.yaml" https://v2.kubesec.io/scan | jq .[0].score)
echo $scan_score
if [[ "${scan_score}" -ge 4 ]]; then
echo "Score is $scan_score"
echo "Kubesec Scan $scan_message"
echo "Score is $scan_score"
echo "Kubernetes template scanning failed because score is less than 4"
exit 1;
Thanks for reporting the issue, we’ll notify the labs team