Lab - SonarQube Q8

Now, integrate the SonarQube with Jenkins. To do this, first generate a token from the SonarQube UI (you might need to use Other CI option).

Next, add a new stage (name the stage as per your choice) for SonarQube to run a SonarQube analysis on your project devsecops-numeric-application with maven. You can add this stage under Unit Tests - JUnit and Jacoco stage.

Make sure to push your changes to the git remote and wait for the Jenkins job to complete before hitting the check button.

The build is failed. In log it says [e[1;31mERRORe[m] SonarQube server [] can not be reached

added this command mvn clean verify sonar:sonar

Hi @shashwatshah101293

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, I’ll report it to the lab team and come back to you ASAP


hi any update on this
tried again and this time the sonarqube crashed so reloaded it n tried to acces with user: admin and password: S0narAdm!n the authentication failed also tried the old password admin still failed

Hi @shashwatshah101293,

The issue is already reported to the concerned team, we’ll come back to you ASAP


Hi @shashwatshah101293,

This issue is fixed, please test again
