Lab - Manage System-Wide Environment Profiles and Template User Environments

I am confused about rational behind “$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:” been part solution when it never existed when attempting to create " `$HOME/.config/bin", it seems to me like trying to create aspect of “SOLUTION” that wasn’t even part of the question.

I need someone to help break this down for me as simple as possible.


I’m a little confused about your quesition, although I’ve never taken the course, so you might be referring to a lecture for all I know. But in the lab, the directories you put into PATH via ~/.basrc are arbitrary. You can add a directory like ~/.local/bin or ~/.config/bin as you choose, or neither at all. I’ve seen ~/.config/bin a bit more often, but neither very much. That’s the point of altering the PATH variable – it can be completely personalized.

Hi Rob,

I was asked to " add the value of the $PATH variable for user Bob to include $HOME/.config/bin ". However, I’m struggling to understand the reasoning behind the suggested correct answer. When I opened the .bashrc file to modify it, I found that “$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin” was not present.

Why can’t the answer simply be PATH="$HOME/.config/bin:$PATH" if PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" wasn’t in existence so that I am able to add "$HOME/.config/bin"?

I hope this clarifies my question.


I guess I don’t understand the significance of $HOME/.local/bin in all of this. Where does that come from? I didn’t see that in the question or in the lab’s environment. Where does that come from?

Same question you have is the same I have. I was only able to solve it by looking at the solution section of that question. My expectation was that the answer should be PATH=“$HOME/.config/bin:$PATH”.

I would appreciate it if you could let me know how and why my expected answer is wrong, as I really want to understand this concept properly.


OK, NOW I understand your issue. What you should have asked was something like "why does the solution tab in step 12/12 ask me to add


Short answer: it should not. This appears to be an editing error in the solutions tab.

Apologies for the confusion I might have created. I really appreciate your feedback. One more question: do you agree with me that PATH="$HOME/.config/bin:$PATH" is the correct answer?

Checked lab again, issue now resolved. Thanks @rob_kodekloud