The lab requires to install helm v3.10.3
After that, when installing the helmchart with:
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
it throws an error
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: template: kube-prometheus-stack/templates/prometheus/prometheus.yaml:262:11: executing "kube-prometheus-stack/templates/prometheus/prometheus.yaml" at <ne .Values.prometheus.prometheusSpec.scrapeConfigNamespaceSelector nil>: error calling ne: uncomparable type map[string]interface {}: map[]
This seems to be caused by the helm version, as upgrading to v3.16.2
or later fixes the error.
Looks like the lab could be updated.
Hi @jordanmatyka
Thank you for reporting this. I’ll notify the lab team to update the lab.
I was just redoing the lab and the task has been modified to omit the version, but the pass check wasn’t - it still looks for v3.10.3
Hi @jordanmatyka
The lab is fixed now. The Helm installation step is updated by removing the dependency on v3.10.3
to the latest version of Helm. This will resolve the installing Prometheus stack chart question.
Thanks for your patience and support.
The task still fails if Helm version is not v3.10.3
It’s working as expected.
Before hitting the Check button, you must ensure that all the Deployments and DaemonSets are in Ready condition.
Also, install the latest version of Helm as required in the previous question.