Lab issues in lab-application-instrumentation

task 3 where you " Update the /root/ file to replace the Question 3: PLACEHOLDER section with a Counter metric called http_requests_total "
I followed the steps confirmed via hints/solutions but the task still says failed/incomplete.

I ignored and continued and subsequent tasks kept on saying incomplete and eventually app gives 500 status code. Was there something which the tasks did not mention? Did it work for everyone? Not sure how to proceed.

My first half of file looks like:

from prometheus_client
from flask import Flask
from prometheus_client import Counter

REQUESTS = Counter(‘http_requests_total’,
‘Total number of requests’)

Question 10: PLACEHOLDER-1

Question 13: PLACEHOLDER-1

Please suggest

Hi @Abhishek-Galav
Please provide us the link to the lab then we can reproduce the issue properly


Hi, dont worry about it. It expects us to update existing entry. It works now. My bad, thanks for prompt response.

Please close the ticket

I’m facing the same problem.
Lab: Sign In | KodeKloud