Lab: Functions and Conditional Expressions | Q10 Solution Not working

For the below question (Q10 in Functions and Conditional Expressions), the provided solution is throwing an error. Please check.

We have now, updated the `` in this configuration directory and added a new resource block to create a `S3` bucket called `sonic-media` .
Create an additional resource called `upload_sonic_media` to upload the files listed in the variable called `media` to this bucket.

Use the following specifications:

1. Use the `for_each` meta-argument to upload all the elements of the `media` variable.

2. bucket: Use reference expression to the bucket `sonic-media` .

3. source: Each element in the variable called `media` .

4. key: Should be the name of the files being uploaded (minus the `/root` ). For an example, `eggman.jpg, shadow.jpg` e.t.c.

Do not alter the variables!
When ready, run `terraform apply` to create the bucket and upload the items.

Provided Solution

resource "aws_iam_user" "cloud" {
 name = split(":",var.cloud_users)[count.index]
 count = length(split(":",var.cloud_users))
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "sonic_media" {
     bucket = var.bucket
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "upload_sonic_media" {
     bucket =
     key =  substr(each.value, 7, 20)
     source = each.value
     for_each = 



Terraform Plan shows changes to be applied! Make sure the configuration is up-to-date and applied!

Hello Naveenkumar,

this error is not related to the given solution can you please provide me with a screenshot for the lab workspace?
KodeKloud Support