Lab: CKAD Mock Exam 7 Q10

This is related to Lab: CKAD Mock Exam 7 Q10 where Is the chart version upgraded? has not been met.
In the Solution section, point 6, it’s mentioned that the helm chart should be upgraded to above 16.0.0 but in the command; the actual version; ie –version=13.2.12.
Please find screenshots attached showing my test results.

Just to confirm, I have also tried with the most recent version of the chart; ie --version 18.2.3 but with the exact same outcome indicating that something went wrong. The only difference was that with 18.2.3, I didn’t get any warning.
I have completed this question at least 3 different times and each time it complains that the helm chart wasn’t upgraded.

Hi @ewiklund

Thanks for reporting this issue.
I tried this one and there is some issue with this task, and the solution needs a correction as well.

I’ve notified the lab team to get some clarity on this task.


Thanks Santosh for looking into this.

Hi @ewiklund

The issue with the Helm chart upgrade is resolved.
Now you can upgrade the Helm chart to any version above 16.0.0.

Thanks for your patience and continued support.


Thanks Santosh for your help.