Kubernetes the hard way - Only one etcd server showing

I have been following this guide; https://github.com/mmumshad/kubernetes-the-hard-way/blob/master/docs/08-bootstrapping-kubernetes-controllers.md

After completing all the steps, I ran kubectl get componentstatuses --kubeconfig admin.kubeconfig but in the output I only see 1 etcd server named etcd-0.

I have ran etcdctl commands to check and there are indeed 2 etcd servers running.

What could be the reason, I am only seeing etcd-0 and etcd-1 is missing?

It’s a deficiency of kubectl get componentstatus – it does not work well in HA deployments.

This will work better, and will see both instances of etcd:

kubectl get --raw='/readyz?verbose'

Noted on this. Thanks a lot for the clarification.