Kubernetes Resource Limits (default)


It seems that a statement from the Resource Limits lecture from the Kubernetes and Cloud-Native Associate (KCNA) course is probably wrong.

From 04:09 (video timestamp):

However, you can set a limit for the resource usage on these pods. By default, Kubernetes sets a limit of 1 vCPU to containers. So, if you do not specify explicitly, a container will be limited to consume only 1 vCPU from the node. The same goes with memory. By default, Kubernetes sets a limit of 512 mebibytes (Mi) on containers. If you don’t like the default limits, you can change them by adding a limit section under the resources section in your Pod definition file. Specify new limits for the memory and CPU like this.

I’ve read through Kubernetes documentation and there is no mention of these default limits anywhere. Instead, it says the following:

By default, containers run with unbounded compute resources on a Kubernetes cluster. Using Kubernetes resource quotas, administrators (also termed cluster operators) can restrict consumption and creation of cluster resources (such as CPU time, memory, and persistent storage) within a specified namespace. Within a namespace, a Pod can consume as much CPU and memory as is allowed by the ResourceQuotas that apply to that namespace.

From: Limit Ranges | Kubernetes

That is also in contradiction with a statement in the Resource Limits lecture from the CKA Certification Course – Certified Kubernetes Administrator

From 06:29 (video timestamp):

By default, Kubernetes does not have a CPU or memory request or limit set. So this means that any pod can consume as much resource as required on any node and suffocate other pods or processes that are running on the node of resources.

Can you please confirm that this is an indeed an error?

Some links:

The issue has been resolved

No. it didn’t the question still on the KCNA test. I just made it. You guys should be more careful with the questions. People can fail on the real exam because of wrong questions like this about resources limits.