I AM WORKING ON KUBERNETES IN CLOUD IN KUBERNETES FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS . i HAVE BEEN trying to deploy voting app on GKE , but i keep getting the error:
for the image: kodekloud/examplevotingapp_vote:v1
code: https://github.com/kodekloudhub/example-voting-app-kubernetes/blob/main/voting-app-deploy.yaml
te:latest": pull access denied, repository does not exist or may require authorization: server message: insufficient_scope: authorization failed warning failed 20s (x3 over 63s) kubelet error: errimagepull normal

Hi @blaparna02,
I didn’t see any issues while pulling this image.

Can you please check by pulling other images?

docker pull nginx 

This article page may help you.

This is the error image:

and i can pull nginx successfully in same location . i tried pulling the voting app image using dockerapp command and it says “pull access denied error” and i could successfully create redis and postgres but not the voting app , results app and worker app because the images are not accessible

Hi @blaparna02 ,

There is a typo in the image name. It’s kodekloud, not kodecloud. :expressionless:

Even you wrote the correct image name in your post. That’s why I got confused and provided you the gcp troubleshooting docs.

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yep i dont really understand me …i did it like 4 times and wrote everything from starting and still managed to write it wrong and i check the image name but not kodekloud( i was over confident). thank you for still following up

Hi Tej,
I have one more error. worker-deployment keeps failing with crashloopback off error. i checked the logs for the pod

i took the code from github of kodekloud:

Could you help what is it i am missing