Kubernetes dashboard

I experience difficulty accessing the kubernetes dashboard in the lab for CKS course.
l entered the url : “https://8001-port-5f6bac340e574336.labs.kodekloud.com/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#/login” to access the dashboard login.

Here is what I got: “https://8001-port-5f6bac340e574336.labs.kodekloud.com/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#/login

I have followed all the instructions diligently and even copy and paste the solutions provided but yet unable to access the kubernetes dashboard

If you’re trying to access the URL directly in your browser on your home computer, then know that the lab environment does not work that way.

What you can do is use the “View Port” option in the ... menu in the upper right of the lab window; that will let you view a port that’s inside of the lab environment on you local browser, including a K8s dashboard page.

Thanks. I will check it out

It does appear that the dashboard install procedure is broken in the lab; I’ve now reported that to the lab team.