KodeKloud subscription vs Udemy


I’m planning to pursue the Kubernetes developer path. I’ve been considering subscribing to KodeKloud, but I’m curious about the advantages it offers over Udemy courses. Can anyone share the benefits?

Udemy courses need to be purchased individually. Also we do not offer all courses on both platforms. Only around 20 courses are on Udemy.

With a standard subscription, you get full access to all our standard courses.
With a pro subscription, you get additionally

  • Premium courses (inc Kubernetes ultimate mock series)
  • Playgrounds
  • KodeKloud Engineer Pro

Hi @Alistair_KodeKloud ,

I`m curious if we can get access to Udemy based courses with a KK premium sub? I am really keen to start the Puppet course(s) but can only see them available on Udemy. Could we perhaps receive a voucher for specific Udemy courses, or at least access to the PDF with the exercises, given that there is already a Puppet sandbox available for existing subscribers?

Note: Apologies if this question was already answered somewhere else. I am new to this community and have been searching around but couldn`t find more details.

Udemy is a completely separate entity to KodeKloud.
At present there is no crossover with any kind of KK sub.