KodeKloud Forum | Guidelines

  1. Promote Respectful Interaction: Always engage with fellow members in a respectful and considerate manner. Avoid using offensive or discriminatory language to ensure a positive and inclusive atmosphere.

  2. Advocate for Patience: Recognize that not everyone possesses the same level of expertise. Exercise patience and understanding when responding to questions or offering assistance. This helps create a supportive and inclusive community environment.

  3. Search Before Posting: Before creating a new post, utilize the forum’s search function to explore existing discussions and resources. This simple step contributes to an organized and efficient community environment.

  4. Avoid Redundancy: To maintain clarity and prevent confusion, please refrain from posting the same message in multiple forum categories.

  5. Choose the Right Category for Your Topic: When initiating a new discussion, kindly select the most relevant category to facilitate a prompt resolution and prevent confusion. This ensures that both members and moderators can locate and address your query more efficiently.

  6. Provide Descriptive Titles: When creating a new thread, use clear and descriptive titles. This makes it easier for other members to understand the topic and increases the chances of receiving relevant responses.

  7. Use Formatting Appropriately: Utilize formatting tools provided by the forum (such as bold, italics, lists, code-blocks) to make your posts more readable. This can improve the overall user experience and help convey information effectively.

  8. Respect Privacy: Avoid sharing personal information or details that could compromise your privacy or the privacy of others. This includes refraining from requesting or sharing sensitive information in public discussions.

  9. Be Mindful of Tone: Pay attention to the tone of your messages. While disagreements and debates are natural, aim to express your opinions respectfully. Disagreements can lead to productive discussions when approached with a constructive and considerate attitude.

  10. Report Inappropriate Content: If you come across content that violates forum guidelines or is inappropriate, report it to the moderators. This helps maintain a healthy and safe environment for all members.

  11. Stay On Topic: Keep discussions focused on the topic at hand. If you have a new question or topic to discuss, consider starting a new topic rather than derailing an existing conversation.

  12. Be Mindful of Copyright: Avoid posting copyrighted material without proper attribution or permission. Respect intellectual property rights and encourage others to do the same.

  13. Limit Promotional Content: Keep in mind that promotional or advertising content is not aligned with the values of our community forum.

  14. Maintain Exam Integrity: Strictly adhere to the prohibition of using or sharing exam dumps, as it violates non-disclosure agreements (NDA) and may result in disqualification from exams. Upholding community integrity is crucial, and failure to comply may lead to a ban.

  15. Encourage Open Discussions: Initiate discussions in the relevant forum channels to promote collective learning and efficient knowledge sharing. While direct messages may be suitable for sensitive matters (see point 10 above), please reserve them for necessary situations and prioritize open discussions.

  16. Topic Template - When seeking assistance, use the provided Topic Template to create a structured post.

Course Name: (Specify the course you’re referencing)
Lab URL (If applicable): (Include the link to the lab, if relevant)
Brief Description of the Issue: (Provide a concise summary of the problem)
Error Screenshot: (Attach or share a link to any error messages or screenshots for better understanding)
Steps to Reproduce: (Outline the steps taken that led to the issue, if applicable)
Environment Details:
Operating System:
Browser (if web-based):
Any relevant software versions:
Expected Outcome: (Describe what you expected to happen)
Additional Notes: (Include any other relevant information or context)

Additionally please use code blocks like this
to include any code or YAML files, otherwise
all formatting will be lost rendering it illegible.
Type ``` above and below the code fragment to make it into a code block.

These guidelines are in place to ensure that our KodeKloud Community remains a positive and enriching environment for all. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you!