Kodekloud/examplevotingapp_vote docker image issue

Hi, I am creating the voting app from kubernetes beginner hands on tutorial, I was creating voting-app pod definition file and mentioned the voting app docker image:

kodekloud/examplevotingapp_vote:v1 and getting this error on describe:
Back-off restarting failed container voting-app in pod voting-app-pod_default
voting-app-pod YAML file :

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: voting-app-pod
    name: voting-app-pod
    app: demo-voting-app
    - name: voting-app
      image: kodekloud/examplevotingapp_vote:v1
        - containerPort: 80

Your YAML worked for me. Are you sure you don’t have an issue with your cluster. Are other pods working?

Hi, my whole envt is clean. Have default k8s service and no other pods.

Pod describe info:

That is what I mean, run up a simple nginx pod and see if that works:

kubectl run nginx --image nginx

yes, everything else works fine, nginx too

What does kubectl logs voting-app-pod show?

shows gunicorn issue : exec /usr/local/bin/gunicorn: exec format error

Is your server ARM? amd64 images won’t work on it.

yeah its arm, just checked :expressionless:

hi @Ayush-Behl, try checking out this solution here Worker app in examplevoting lab is not coming up(crashloopback) in absolute beginners course
I was also having issues with my worker-app-pod, followed some steps from here, and its working fine now

Hi @precious-ogundipe I’ll try this one

Hi all,
Thank you for helping me to get a solution! However, I tried one by replacing the docker image with docker-samples one:

for any future reference it got solved by using dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote as an image for pods and the error is solved.

A fix in the original image for ARM (Macbook M* series) would be highly appreciated. If that isn’t possible, a small update on the Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners - Hands-on course would a welcome change for the people running into the same issue in the future.

If you’re doing the K4AB course, you may want to try using colima as your computer’s local cluster. Part of the problem here is that some clusters (I’M LOOKING AT YOU MINIKUBE) don’t handle ARM64 layers in containers as well as they should. colima is a bit better than that, and I find it reliably runs the voting example.

Thank you for the tip Rob! Never heard of Colima, will check it out!