K8s: Level2 : Que#5 : Rolling Updates And Rolling Back Deployments in Kubernetes

I have created the deployments with the image as mentioned in the question. But still I am getting the error that deployment is not created using the correct image. (Screenshot attached). Can someone please help here, what is wrong here?


Hi @archna.mittal,
Thanks for reporting this. I have forwarded your concern to the KKE team.


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Did you perform the rolling update/rolling back for the task?

Yes, I did perform all the mentioned task. Only error it gave me that original deployment was not created with correct image.

@Tej-Singh-Rana , In lieu of not having any solution. I skipped the task. And now it is not allowing me to go to level 3. What are my options?

@archna.mittal ,

I did the task today and passed.

I do not see anything wrong with the Task or validation.

CC @Tej-Singh-Rana

@Sauron / @Tej-Singh-Rana , I tried 3-4 times but faced the same problem (Screenshot attached in the original message) . So I had skipped the task to move forward. But now it is not allowing me to add level 3 to the practice.
Can you please enable it for me or enable that particular task so that I can complete it. I am completely stuck because of this. Need your support to move forward

Messaged you the registered email address.
