Jenkins Workspaces

Hi Folks

I stuck in this task:

" 1. There is a Git repository web_app on Gitea where developers are pushing their changes. It has three branches version1, version2 and version3 (excluding the master branch). You need not to make any changes in the repository.
2. Create a Jenkins job named as app-job .
3. Configure this job to have a choice parameter named Branch with choices as mentioned below: version1 version2 version3
4. Configure the job to fetch changes from above mentioned Git repository and make sure it should fetch changes from the respective branch which you are passing as a choice in the choice parameter while building the job. For example if you choose version1 then it must fetch and deploy branch as version1 ."

In this task, i create Git Parameter to select Branch when we select Parameter Build. But the task is failed and support team want us run “Choice Parameter”. Do you have any idea to do that by “Choice Parameter” to select Branch from GIT

Hi @chauhuuphat, sorry to hear that. Are you still having this problem?

Vitor Jr.
KodeKloud Support