Jenkins MR Jobs

hi community
i just finished the tasks Jenkins MR Jobs in level 4 jenkins
i curled the hhttp://stapp01:8080 and i got the response “Welcome to …”
so i thought that my task is coerrect
but in the confirmation of the task i got an error “- pipeline job ‘nginx-container’ is not configured to build and deploy the ‘nginx-app’ app.”
i redo the task a lot of time and nothing changed
this is my pipeline
pipeline {
agent any

stages {
    stage('Build') {
        steps {
            script {
                // Clone the repository and build the Docker image
                sh '''
                    ssh tony@stapp01 'git clone && cd mr_job/ && docker build -t .'
    stage('Deploy') {
        steps {
            script {
                // Deploy the container
                sh '''
                    ssh tony@stapp01 'docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name nginx-app'

i moved to tony@stapp01
i found the docker image also the docker ps
please i want to to fix this issue and continue all the tasks
i will be grateful