Jenkins Level 1 (Task 1) and Git Level 1 (Task 1) failing

The Jenkins level 1 task 1 is failing because of yum. Also, the git level 1 lab 1 is failing because we are unable to ssh in the storage server. Please fix this issue on priority.

We’re aware of both issues. The yum issue will likely be fixed first, since any lab or KKE task that uses CentOS 8 Stream broke last Friday, and we’ve been very busy getting all of those labs fixed. We’re aware of the storage server start-up issue as well, and I know that engineering is working on it. Hang on there; it’s been a very busy week for that team, and they’re working as fast as they can.

Hi @patilkshitij735,

The KKE team has fixed this issue. Please try again and share the feedback.


This still doesnt work. In git lab, the password for natasha never works

You are either getting the host, user or password wrong. It does work as documented. You can copy and paste this command. Run it on the Jump host and you will log into the storage server:

sshpass -p 'Bl@kW' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected]