Jenkins Build Images - image pull issue

Use this category to discuss the doubts and questions about the Jenkins course on KodeKloud

app server 2 working file but 1 & 3 has the issue

This is a known issue and can be fixed however we need to know where this lab is.

  • If it’s the jenkins course then please paste a link to the lab.
  • If it is KodeKloud Engineer, then add the level (e.g. Docker level 1) and the name of the task.


KodeKloud engineer task

even this task are failing due to pull issue

Both those tasks that are marked failed? I will report them

Thanks there are total 3 -
level 3 - 1 task
level 4 - 2 tasks

Hi @shubhamksawant3 ,

This issue has been fixed. Please give it a try and share the feedback.


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