Istio retry mechanism

Hi Everyone, I tried to implement retry mechanism of istio in virtual service so that any communication can happen number of times because of failure of overload or network. I added the same in virtual service for testing. I put that service down by kubectl scale --replicas=0 but I am not getting if any retry is actually happening. I did not get any logs in source or destination service. As per my understanding from documentation that envoy proxy makes the connection so if I scale pod to 0, envoy proxy also goes down. I can try other way to make the container down in that pod and let the side-car container up. Only issues I am facing is I am not able to debug that actually retry is happening or not.
Few commands I tried to check that tells how much hit on specific service happens which can also give an idea that number of retries are happening. I am sharing the commands below but they are giving output as 0 even when service is up.

kubectl -n res logs deploy/dev- -c istio-proxy | grep “x-envoy-attempt-count”
kubectl logs dev-userauth-pod -c istio-proxy -c dev-usere:8080 -n res.
I have seen this issue on istio community by lot of guys but no answer. Please help.