Issue with login to centOS 9

I Installed Oracle VirtualBox and installed CentOS 9.
I am unable to login Centos machine.
Entered username and password as mentioned in Osboxes website .

i am using Windows 10 OS. Is there any problem with it?
Please guide me to install the CentoS-9.

Hi @tushars6016 ,
What kind of error are you facing? permission denied or timeout??
If possible, can you please attach the error screenshot.


I am running into the same issue. It is a username/password issue. If I use osboxes for the username and for the password it does not work. Please advise.

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root and worked. The default osboxes username was not allowing me to login.



If you become root user, use ls /home. You will find ‘osboxes’ user, set new password for osboxes with “passwd osboxes”. Restart your computer and try to login with new password.

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Hello @waiyanpyaesone06 ,

I am also facing the same issue on my Windows 11. I have downloaded the CentOS 9 image from osboxes. When I start the vm, it prompt me to enter a username and password. I have tried password and root but no luck.

Username: root

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Hi @Ayman,

Thanks, it worked. Now I am able to log in to VM. But when I try to ssh from a Windows machine using putty or mobaXterm then it returns an “Access Denied” error.

Hi @mahesh,

Check on sshd_config file, if user root is authorized to ssh, the best way is to create a new user and add him to sudo group

adduser <new_user>
usermod -aG sudo <new_user>

and now use this new user on ssh


Hi @mahesh,
Did you try the above method shared by @mmkmou ?


Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana, Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I created a new user and added it to sudoers. I am able to log in using the new user in VirtualBox. But when I try to log in through any other client such as Putty or mobaXtream it doesn’t connect.

When I run the ip addr show command, it doesn’t show the IP address.

Screenshot (149)

After googling a little bit, I found that I need to activate the network. I executed nmcli con up ens33 to activate it. Now when I run ip addr show, it started to show the IP address.

But when I restart the virtual box the setting goes away. I am activating the network whenever I restart the virtual box. Can you please let me know how can I activate it permanently?

@Ayman please assist here.

How did you configure the network on VirtualBox? Can we have a screenshot ?


Hi @mmkmou, I used the Bridged Adapter. Please find the settings in the attached screenshot.

Hello @mahesh
What’s the output of this command please? nmcli connection show

The device column is empty.


Hello @mahesh
Please execute the below command and give it a try
nmcli connection up enp0s3

Hello @Ayman, It will work if I execute the above command but I am facing the same issue when I shut down and start the VM again.

As I mentioned before in my comment, after restarting the VM, if I execute ip addr show command, it shows an empty device column.

So every time I restart the VM I am executing the nmcli connection up enp0s3 command to activate the connection.

Hello @mahesh
Please try this command and try again
nmcli con mod enp0s3 autoconnect yes

Hello @Ayman, It’s working now. Thanks for your support.