Issue with login to centOS 9

root and worked. The default osboxes username was not allowing me to login.



If you become root user, use ls /home. You will find ‘osboxes’ user, set new password for osboxes with “passwd osboxes”. Restart your computer and try to login with new password.

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Hello @waiyanpyaesone06 ,

I am also facing the same issue on my Windows 11. I have downloaded the CentOS 9 image from osboxes. When I start the vm, it prompt me to enter a username and password. I have tried password and root but no luck.

Username: root

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Hi @Ayman,

Thanks, it worked. Now I am able to log in to VM. But when I try to ssh from a Windows machine using putty or mobaXterm then it returns an “Access Denied” error.

Hi @mahesh,

Check on sshd_config file, if user root is authorized to ssh, the best way is to create a new user and add him to sudo group

adduser <new_user>
usermod -aG sudo <new_user>

and now use this new user on ssh


Hi @mahesh,
Did you try the above method shared by @mmkmou ?


Hi @Tej-Singh-Rana, Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I created a new user and added it to sudoers. I am able to log in using the new user in VirtualBox. But when I try to log in through any other client such as Putty or mobaXtream it doesn’t connect.

When I run the ip addr show command, it doesn’t show the IP address.

Screenshot (149)

After googling a little bit, I found that I need to activate the network. I executed nmcli con up ens33 to activate it. Now when I run ip addr show, it started to show the IP address.

But when I restart the virtual box the setting goes away. I am activating the network whenever I restart the virtual box. Can you please let me know how can I activate it permanently?

@Ayman please assist here.

How did you configure the network on VirtualBox? Can we have a screenshot ?


Hi @mmkmou, I used the Bridged Adapter. Please find the settings in the attached screenshot.

Hello @mahesh
What’s the output of this command please? nmcli connection show

The device column is empty.


Hello @mahesh
Please execute the below command and give it a try
nmcli connection up enp0s3

Hello @Ayman, It will work if I execute the above command but I am facing the same issue when I shut down and start the VM again.

As I mentioned before in my comment, after restarting the VM, if I execute ip addr show command, it shows an empty device column.

So every time I restart the VM I am executing the nmcli connection up enp0s3 command to activate the connection.

Hello @mahesh
Please try this command and try again
nmcli con mod enp0s3 autoconnect yes

Hello @Ayman, It’s working now. Thanks for your support.

when i am running nmcli con up ens33 it’s giving me an error ‘unknown connection ens33’

If you have configured the bridged adapter in VirtualBox as described in the course, then use this guide to enable networking

Deleted this post, since it is too long to be in a single post due to too many “links” (perceived) and my post is longer then 3 replies.

So I added it to my github repo