Issue with Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on Tutorial

have an issue with KodeKloud images as referred under
Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners – Hands-on Tutorial> Microservice Architecture> Deploying on Kubernetes.

All the pods related to voting-app-pod, result-app-pod, and worker-app-pod does not start they thorw CrashLoopBackOff and I see error like below.

Back-off restarting failed container voting-app in pod voting-app-deployment-86db9b874b-vvhrv_default(e88cce04-7bd2-4b9f-b7a6-9158ee7b913e)

Please advise and do the needful. Also I have tried getting git repo and it is the same

git clone

I have no issues with Postgres and redid. but issue persists only with voting, results and worker.

Thank you in advance and I appreciate on the support.

Adding to my comment, I am using M1 Mac, which is arm based. and Error in logs I see is “exec /usr/local/bin/gunicorn: exec format error”

I’m experimenting on an M2 Mac Mini, and I feel your pain :slight_smile:

I’ve just used a minikube setup and also got your “exec format error” with several of the containers of the application. Here’s something else to try that did work, and is not too hard to do. I assume you have homebrew installed on your system (if not, do that, since you really need it).

My suggested solution is to install a docker desktop substitute called colima, which will run kubernetes, and is easier to access with a browser than is either minikube or a multipass install. It works like this:

  1. brew install colima
  2. Start colima with colima start -k, which will start colima with kubernetes
  3. Use the kodekloud version of the the voting app repo (GitHub - kodekloudhub/example-voting-app-kubernetes)
  4. cd example-voting-app-kubernetes
  5. kubectl apply -f .

This, to my great surprise, worked immediately. Networking is also very simple: NodePort services get automatically mapped to, so you can easily interact with the voting app off ports 30004 and 30005.