Issue with kodekloud engineer task

My task was to create a new user without a home directory, i use the following command “useradd -M kareem” as from the help of the command useradd “-M, --no-create-home do not create the user’s home directory”

but unfortunately the solution wasn’t accepted.


You need to run the command as root and on the correct server. You can validate the action by running su - kareem as root:

su: warning: cannot change directory to /home/kareem: No such file or directory 

Hi @3m.Azhari,

If you have executed the task per the description, it should be marked as complete. Please share your task under the “Task Review” page. We will see your work.


Hi All,
Thanks All;
@al1 : I run the same command, and I got the same output.
@Tej-Singh-Rana i have share the Task.


Hi @3m.Azhari,

Did you create a user in all app servers?
