Issue while running go-webapp-sample application in local machine

I have forked and cloned this repo(GitHub - AdminTurnedDevOps/go-webapp-sample: golang, echo, gorm) in my local windows machine and I was just curious to run the app in my machine. I’m also new to go and never introduced to mod, packages, rest api etc. However, when I try to run locally in my VSCode app, it pushes this error in terminal. No issues in kodekloud Labs whatsoever. I verified the files config.go, repository.go etc… no changes with mine. This is blocking my hands on with my machine

I have found the solution myself.

Please note if you are receiving the error below while running the code on local machine(mine is Windows) please follow the below steps:

Error in terminal:
ERROR logger/gormlogger.go:41 [gorm] failed to initialize database, got error %v, E:/Learn/KodeKloud/Golang/go-webapp/go-webapp-sample/repository/repository.go:80%!(EXTRA *errors.errorString=Binary was compiled with 'CGO_ENABLED=0', go-sqlite3 requires cgo to work. This is a stub)




Step 1.
if you try to understand on highlevel it basically says for gorm to run you need “CGO_ENABLED=1”,
for this to setup you need to do “export CGO_ENABLED=1” or “set CGO_ENABLED=1”. These all depends on the shell you use. In windows I use powershell and the command to set it is “$env:CGO_ENABLED = 1”. if in case you get any permission issue, run powershell as admininstrator.

Step 2) you will receive this “cgo: C compiler “gcc” not found: exec: “gcc”: executable file not found in %PATH%”
for this, you need to do below.
go to tdm-gcc (, download and install the gcc from here.

P.S. This will automatically push the path to env variable. if not, please add it here like this

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it works for me, thanks a lot