Issue in running container

Hello guys,
my concern is I am trying to run 1 container, but it keeps exiting immediately after running it.
I tried deleting whole instance and recreate and rerun instance miltiple times. Still issue persist.
I would request to please me to move further.

Hi @pandit.gaur43,

Which image did you use for your container?


I am using image: postgres:9.4 to link postgress db to worker-voting app-server.
But it keeps exiting just after running postgres instance command.
I need help to run this postgress container and to move further .

Hello team,
Can anyone help me on this issue please.
Since, I am doing practice now

Hi @pandit.gaur43 ,

For postgres, the environment variable for password is required, you need to add it on the command -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<mysecretpassword>

docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres

Read more on it

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Thank you for providing me this command. It run successfully and my postgress continaer is up now.
But aprun un worker-app by running command
docker run --link redis:redis --link some-postgres:some-postgres worker-app
continously pinging waiting db and nothing comes up.

please suggest what to do now?
Thnak you.

I apologize. Please ignore last concern.
It has been resolved.

hello team,
facing new issue
while running docker-compose up
it showing permission denied.
pfa screenhsot of both docker-compose.yaml file created

please help in this

Hi @pandit.gaur43
Did you try with sudo ?

yes then it is saying

Any help any suggestion on it

Hi @pandit.gaur43 ,
The correct syntax is :

sudo docker compose up
