Installing Virtual Box

I’m having issue installing Virtual box on my mac M1. This is very bad I asked on the community no help.

Hello @adesolaridwan2003
Can you please provide error details so I can help you in that?

KodeKloud Support

I don’t know what kind of issue you are having while installing. Please share a screenshot of error.

From what I understand, at this moment virtual box is not supported by M1.

please see below link:
Highlight from the above link → " VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, which the M1 or M1X are not part of this

Here is the error.

Please do you know of any alternative I can use to follow up with the course.

Not seeing any alternative rather than changing the device. If you don’t want to change the device then please use our labs to practice.

KodeKloud Support

There is this article you can check too