Installing phyton and phyton pip - ((docker images))

Under the section “docker images” >>creating a Docker image.

I’m trying to install phyton, but shows me that:

“E: Unable to locate package phyton”

I’m stuck at that point…I tried to find some solution on the internet but …without success.
Can anyone help me with this?

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It’s python not phyton.

Tks to correct me, but I messed it up only at the time to write the question. At ubuntu, I wrote it properly.
So, for now, I’m getting this error installing pip:

E: Unable to locate package python-pip

So, I’m stuck at that point, and I’m not able to install flask and proceeding with the course.
Any guesses?
I’ve tried some solutions on the internet but still don’t works for me.

Please try the following commands:

apt-get install python3-pip

After that, pip3 install flask