I am unable to install oracle virtual box on my macbook air m1, it throws following error:
Hi @harman12131,
The apple M1 chip does not support Virtualbox and there seem to be no plans to add support. You can use VMWare fusion here
Will VMWare fusion be good enough for this course as in the beginning they said that VMWare free version lacks some features?
I have another system with ubuntu loaded on it which one of the two would you recommend to use for the course?
Yes is will. Thats what I am using… Follow these steps to get it up:
1. Install rosetta
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
2. Install vagrant with homebrew
brew install vagrant
3. Create an account on vmware
4. Download & Install VMWare Fusion Tech Preview
5. Create link
ln -s /Applications/VMWare\ Fusion\ Tech\ Preview.app /Applications/VMWare\ Fusion.app
6. Install vmware provider
install vagrant
7. Install Plugin
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-desktop
8. Create a Vagrantfile in a folder with below content
Vagrant.configure(“2”) do |config|
config.vm.box = “spox/ubuntu-arm”
config.vm.box_version = “1.0.0”
9. Bring up vm
Go to the folder where you created Vagrantfile & issue below command.
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
vagrant halt
vagrant destroy
10. Create fedora vm (equivalent to centos)
mkdir -p ~/vms/fedora
cd ~/vms/fedora
vagrant init jacobw/fedora35-arm64
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
vagrant halt
vagrant destroy
When I run the comman “brew install vagrant”, I encountered an error stating command line not found. Can you please help me to fix this??
You need to install brew
in order to use it. You might also want to look at multipass:
Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
What do you want to run on your VM?
It looks like you do not have home brew installed. Go to https://brew.sh/ following the installation instructions before proceeding to setup of vagrant
Hello, I am trying to install virtual box on Mac M1 and I am wondering if there is an update for this post? VMware is now owned by Broadcom and the Broadcom site doesn’t like me for some strange reason. I think it might have something to do with the fact it knows I want some software for free - VmWare Fusion - so it keeps sending into the https abyss!
unfortunately, Oracle doesn’t support the newer Macs on Virtualbox. There are good alternatives to using it, depending what you’re using the virtual systems for: multipass for installing Ubuntu guest systems; colima for an easy-to-install simple Kubernetes set up, for example. And a bit of persistence will even get you through the VMWare site :-), although I feel your pain there.
Hey Rob, thanks for the reply. I am working through the devop prerequisites course and I am on the last module where it walks you through the various options to run a local env using osbox. Just wondering if there is an alternative or if you know whether KodeKloud plans to update these learning modules? thanks
We do intend to record the relevant videos, but it takes a while to schedule; we were updating the tutorials on doing the installs just a few months ago. It’s quick for our support engineers to update tutorials in github, so that’s what tends to happen first.
Understood. So, in the meantime to keep me going you wouldn’t happen to have a link to a howto on how to get Colima working with centos would you please ?
Colima isn’t a solution for that. VMWare is one approach. I use Rocky Linux with Vagrant and vmware_desktop:
vagrant init gyptazy/rocky9.3-arm64
sets it up. Works nicely.