Install ingress and ingresscontroller

After I create a service type=LoadBalancer. The external_ip filed is always showing pending
Could anyone help this and also how to install ingress and configure ingress controller in kubeadmin 1.25.1

Hello @kolaganikrishnaprasa
You are using a custom Kubernetes Cluster (using kubeadm). In this case, there is no LoadBalancer integrated (unlike AWS or Google Cloud).

Hi @Ayman,

Yes, I created three ubuntu VM’s with kubeadm 1.25.1 version (it is a multi-node environment). I tried to install ingress-Nginx, but it is not working as excepted.
Could you please tell me if any to create Kubernetes in GCP. Otherwise, any kodekloud playground will helpful for this

you can apply to be able to use LB with multi nodes