Install and Configure Web Application steps are not clear, please help to understand

@Inderpreet and KodeKloud Team,

I have task to set-up web application.

In one if the step, it is asked as below

c. There are two website’s backups /home/thor/media and /home/thor/official on jump_host. Setup them on Apache in a way that media should work on link http://<>/media/ and official should work on link http://<>/official.

But I am not sure on the <>, what should be the lb url.

Also when I set up the web application and follow the 4th step, i.e.

d. You can access the website on LBR link, to do so click on the + button on top of your terminal and select option Select port to view on Host 1 and after adding port 80 click on Display Port

I can only access only one of the static web-page.

How can I test or validate both the webpage??

Please Help!!!

any Update?? @Inderpreet

Help me understand the question please.

Dont worry about load balancer.
I did it on the default apache virtual server for each app servers.
I tested with curl to http://localhost:8080/media or /official for each app servers. Or curl http://stapp0X:8080/ where X in [1,2,3] from jump_host.


Thankyou, that worked.

Hello Ashok,

Good to hear that you have completed the task.

I am trying to complete the task but unable to validate the task.
Installed the httpd, added the listening port and 3 &4 steps are little confusing for me as i am quite new. Can you please help me to complete this task?
Thanks for your help.


Can you write down the entire specification of the problem and what do you not understand?

Hello elsebasan,

I am not clear with the below question; how to setup them?

There are two website’s backups /home/thor/media and /home/thor/official on jump_host. Setup them on Apache in a way that media should work on link http://<>/media/ and official should work on link http://<>/official.

Can you please assist on this?

You must copy the directories from to .
What do you think can be the target? (host, path on OS)
And then ensure you that Apache serves this content.
I don’t remember if in this exercise exist a nfs filesystem.

Please Refer to this configuration.
In third step you will have to install httpd package and setup **Two virtual hosts similar to this mentioned configuration **.

!!! Hope this will help you :slight_smile:

*<VirtualHost :80>

ProxyRequests off #disable forward proxying

ServerName <>

<Proxy balancer://blog>

BalancerMember app1 ip:80

BalancerMember app2 ip:80

BalancerMember app3 ip:80


Order Deny,Allow

Deny from none

Allow from all

#use round-robin balancing

ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests

#balance-manager is a tool that lets you configure and tune Apache

<Location /balancer-manager>

SetHandler balancer-manager

#lock this down tightly

Order deny,allow

Allow from all

#what to actually balance

#in this case, balance everything except the manager

ProxyPass /balancer-manager !

ProxyPass / balancer://cluster/

**Note: Dont’t Just copy and paste this configuration Because I deliberately done some mistakes for our learning purpose. t