Install And Configure SFTP grading: task failed

Hello all,

I did the task for installing and configuring SFTP with chroot and SSH access denied. But when submitting for task grading it shows me that the user is able to ssh but I have tested that user con only connect to SFTP.
Any suggestion please?sftp_check

Are you work with nologin shell when u create the ravi user ?
after that response I tought that it able to connect with ssh just the working dir for that user is wrong

What steps you have done so far to complete the task.?

Please mention here.
If anything incorrect I will correct you in that context.

Thanks ,

Thank you guys for your updates.
I did the following to config sftp:

useradd ravi
passwd ravi
groupadd sftpusers
usermod -aG sftpusers ravi
mkdir -p /var/www/nfsdata

Then I edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config to add

Subsystem   sftp    internal-sftp -d /ravi
Match Group sftpusers
ChrootDirectory /var/www/nfsdata

and of course restarted ssh service.

But Why steps matter if the result is correct? I believe the are several ways to do this…


Please refer to this steps and submit your task when next time it will assign you.
In below link I have posted all the steps which are necessary to complete the task.



Thank you for your reply @AkshayT
I don’t see any difference between what I did and the steps you provided except security restrictions that were not requested by the task. I was able to sftp my app server with chroot and not able to ssh (as shown by the screenshot) but when pushing my work, I saw failed task because the user is able to ssh app server (which was not the case).

Yeah @asboui you have to create the user with nologin shell