Install and Configure PHP-FPM - Task Failed (- 'nginx' is not running on correct port on App Server 1)

I Have executed as per the requirement but still task was failed

The Nautilus application development team is planning to launch a new PHP-based application, which they want to deploy on Nautilus infra in Stratos DC . The development team had a meeting with the production support team and they have shared some requirements regarding the infrastructure. Below are the requirements they shared:

a. Install nginx on app server 1 , configure it to use port 8098 and its document root should be /var/www/html .

b. Install php-fpm version 7.3 on app server 1 , it should listen on port 9000 .

c. Configure php-fpm and nginx to work together.

d. There is an index.php file on jump host at location /tmp that needs to be copied under the document root on the nginx server.

e. Once configured correctly you can access the website usng APP button on the top bar.


  • ‘nginx’ is not running on correct port on App Server 1

but App Server is on correct port which was mentioned

Hi @Srinivas

Can you please try this again, this is marked pending for you.

Sure @Inderpreet i will try again

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@Inderpreet - this task have validation error . Please check i also faced the same issues

Hi @swatip

Have you tried to re-attempt this task ?

I got the same error while it is working from the jump host .

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